sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

Assassin's Creed

Self-study activity:
This is the trailer to Assassin's 2 video game. Watch the clip and fill in the missing words in the transcript below with just one word.

Italy, (1) ......... century, the age of Renaissance. A time considered to be the rebirth of (2) .......... Yet, behind humanity’s expanding consciousness, a (3) .........was taking place. A conspiracy by a corrupt (4) .........to overthrow the powerful Medici dynasty and destroy a (5) .........Italy. But, there were still some who (6) .........for justice, and followed an ancient creed. And it was with them that our (7) .........begins.

Apparently the computer game has been a success, and the story line sounds really interesting and intriguing: The Duke of Millan is brutally murdered and Assassin Giovanni is dispatched to investigate the crime. What he finds out implicates Italy's most powerful families. But as Giovanni get closer to the truth, he becomes hunted himself. He must expose the conspirators before he also becomes a victim.

1. 15th   2. man   3. movement   4. family   5. unified   6. fought   7. story